Thursday, January 24, 2008

Go Chargers!!

Rimona trying to be Alisha Keys...

Being silly

Brent and Rimona being silly.:) Jack was also there. Riding Rimona's scooter.

Rimona wearing mommy's earrings

We went to party the other day and Rimona wore lots of jewelry. Specially the earring were very cool to her as she neve wore anything dangling like that! She was so excited. She put on lipgloss she says"liplosh" and would not even drink water. My beautiful little princess..:)

Look what I got

This is what I got for our honda. Heehee. Pretty kitty. My lil ol beemer. Luv it...

Car Damage

This is what happened to our honda. Someone crashed into Z's honda last december and totaled it. Z was Okay but the car was not. Looks pretty rough.

Rimona and her kitties

Rimona's favorite passtime- to bug the cats.

Bubu and Reema

Miss my bubu...:(. Reema looks happy to drink that tea...

Leaving Portland

Having coffee at the airport. Not startbucks but something else...oh "Coffee People". They are the main competitor of Starbucks in Portland. Good coffee..

Rimona making snow angel

Raya and Rimona making snow angels and playing in the snow while we were putting on chains in the van( not in view)

Reema, Rimona and Raya. Rimona just won't leave Raya and Reema alone.:)

We were in Portland end the year to visit my sister. Had a great time. Rimona got to play in the snow.

In the snow!!